Of Human Kindness

Produced by: The Black Mirror Theatre Company

Directed by: Dennis Corccoran, Madeline Finn, Michelle Zielinski

Production Design: Madeline Finn

Stage Manager: Dorothy Ann Frances Robinson

Lighting Design: Michelle Zielinski and Clare Fairbanks

Sound Design: Madeline Finn

Set: Madeline Finn

Props and Costumes: St. Louis Repertory Theatre, STLCC-Meramec


O Come, Emmanuel -Directed: by Madeline Finn

A First Breath

Isabella Baumfree -Written and Directed by: Dennis Corccoran

A Breath of Resolve

Etchings -Written by Dennis Corccoran, Directed by: Madeline Finn

Breaths of Friendship

Letters From Mom and Dad -Written by: Derek Patterson and Michelle Zielinski, Directed by: Michelle Zielinski

Breath of Peace

Ravensbruck -Written and Directed by: Dennis Corccoran

Last Breath

Human Kindness ­-Directed by: Madeline Finn

Each piece is the creation of The Black Mirror Theatre except Letters From Mom and Dad which is an adaptation of an artwork by Derek Patterson, SIUE


(in alphabetical order)

Jane Abling...........Breath - Isabella Baumfree - Ravensbruck

Brittnee Chandler................................................. Isabella Baumfree

Jade Eiland........................................ Isabella Baumfree – Etchings

Lydia Foss.................................................... Breath - Ravensbruck

Kyra Goudsmit............................................ Breath – Ravensbruck

Don McLendon....................................................... Letters

Shernina Nichols........................................ Ravensbruck

Emma Potts.......................................................... Voice of Prayer

Kavion Ricks........................................................ Letters

Xion Saunders.................................... Isabella Baumfree - Breath

Kate Shaefer............................................... Breath - Ravensbruck

LaVell Thompson, Jr...................... O Come – Etchings – Letters

Sherre Ward........................ Isabella Baumfree – Letters - Breath

All............................................... Human Kindness