The Weir

Directed by: Madeline Finn

Produced by: The Black Mirror Theatre, Washington University in St. Louis Gaelic Society, The Kerry Cottage

Stage Managed by: Dorothy Robinson


Jack............Chuck Winning

Brendan..........Kalen Riley

Jim.........Jackson Harned

Finbar........Ryan Lawson-Maeske

Valerie...........Brittany Loughman

Director's Note:

Just when I thought I had real magic and talent from my cast and crew for this intimate wonderful spooky play, 2020 hit us with half way through rehearsals. The pandemic suddenly became reality for us. To the cast who never got to perform but would have wowed the crowds, I thank you! Mcpherson's work is beautifully Irish, yet universal to all who wonder of the unknown/beyond. A look at a small Irish pub, a group gathers and reminisces old stories that each ask the question of the supernatural. If given the chance I would love to tell this story again, but a part of my heart will have this show tucked away.

-Madeline Finn